Tikkun Olam is the Jewish way of saying “the world needs fixing, and it’s our job to fix it.” In the words of the Talmud:
“It is not upon you to finish the work, but you are not free to ignore it.”
(Mishna, Ethics, 2:21)
B’nai Mitzvah
Our B’nai Mitzvah students receive a copy of the #MitzvahQUEST board and this letter as an introduction to their #MizvahQUEST journey:
You have been specially chosen to embark on a fulfilling quest; #MitzvahQUEST. As you become a Jewish adult, there are many things you have left to learn. Your mission has already begun as you have begun to plan for your B’nai Mitzvah. Your quest will be completed on the date of your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, as you will join with your family, friends, clergy, and Jewish community to begin your Jewish adulthood.
Part of Temple Beth-El’s B’nai Mitzvah program is for each student to complete a Mitzvah Project. While we find tremendous merit in donating goods to organizations or people in need, we encourage you to get your hands dirty and be truly involved in the process of giving. As Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson said, “Tzedakah is not about giving; Tzedakah is about being.”
#MitzvahQUEST encourages ongoing relationships with Temple Beth-El and the B’nai Mitzvah process. It highlights that this is not a one-time program or event, but when we say “becoming a bar/bat mitzvah,” it actually is a process. #MitzvahQUEST focuses mainly two things: 1) the relationship building with the staff, clergy, synagogue community, and the larger San Antonio Jewish community and 2) the mitzvah project. MitzvahQUEST.com focuses on the second of those two pieces. Use the resources on the site to help develop your personal Mitzvah Project. You will find a lot of ideas in Mitzvah Project Ideas and the Mitzvah Project by Torah Portion sections. As you complete your #MitzvahQUEST board items, check each item off the list – whether it is photos, videos, written material, or anything else.
Besides the #MitzvahQUEST boards and social media aspects of the Mitzvah Project, there are two more pieces.
- Rabbi Yergin will check in with you twice a month by email to update you on your progress on the #MitzvahQuest board and on your Shabbat service attendance. This way we can make sure that we are all on the same page and tracking the same information.
- Once you have completed aspects of the #MitzvahQuest board, we will use your pictures, videos, paragraphs, etc. to share your journey with the congregation, and San Antonio community. Our congregation shares a weekly email blast. Your pictures and videos will be shared on our Temple Beth-El facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram (@thereddome) feeds as well. Parents can opt out if desired, or you can let us know you do not want it publicized in the notes when you upload an item.
We appreciate the support and help received in transforming this project from an idea to a reality.
#MitzvahQUEST is partially funded by a grant from the Jewish Federation of San Antonio’s 2015 & 2016 Innovation Fund.
View the 2015 grant proposal. View the 2016 grant proposal.
Portions of this site are sourced with permission by The Mitzvah Bowl LLC.
MitzvahQUEST.org website designed and maintained by The Robin’s Nest